Cabosse Naturals

Cacaofruit Pulp

With its naturally sweet flavor, the cacaofruit pulp brings a delightfully refreshing fruity note to beverages and ice creams, while its unique texture brings a lovely smoothness to sorbets. Our cacaofruit pulp is Upcycled certified.

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Cabosse Naturals

Cacaofruit Juice

The cacaofruit juice has a unique fruity flavor, particularly suited for usage in beverages to bring a delicious and exotic taste to your creation. Our cacaofruit juice is currently used in many cocktails and cocktail bases, and delicious cacaofruit beer.

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Cabosse Naturals

Cacaofruit Concentrate

With its golden color and honey like texture, the cacaofruit concentrate adds an intense fruity sweetness and a unique signature flavor to drinks, sorbets, ice creams, dairy products, and confectionery. Get inspired by the intense flavors of our concentrate and request your sample today!

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Cabosse Naturals

About Cabosse Naturals

Cabosse Naturals, the global cacaofruit expert unlocks a category of next generation food & drinks with its range of tasty, nutritious and upcycled certified cacaofruit ingredients.

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